Jenni L. Ivins

Writer & Artist
Jenni L Ivins - writer

Jenni L Ivins - writer

I began with poetry
– and performance,
moved on to picture story books,
added chapter books,
a Diploma of Arts
more journalism,
copy writing
fantasy writing …

Jenni L Ivins - artist

Jenni L Ivins - artist

I have always made art, even as a child, when I would make sculptures at the beach, in the bush, behind the shelter-shed at school…
Wanting to illustrate my manuscripts, I got a Diploma in Visual Art, discovered Mind Drawing, then got an Advanced Diploma in Creative Product Development.

Why I make art

close-up of writing and a drawing in a book.

I am compelled to create.
I look at the natural and social world with wonder and I use my hands, my words and my voice to respond in a range of materials.

I am fascinated by line and form, light, shadow and colour – though my fine lined mind drawings are usually without colour.

This is so that the viewer is not told which side of a line to look, and what or how to see.

I create mind drawings which may be interpreted in more than one way, and I use them to help people to communicate more effectively.

The ultimate goal for my art is ‘world peace’ – at least, the part which I can contribute to achieving it.

The reason I make art is to play – experiment, explore and express. Mindfulness through Mind Drawing.

I discovered we don't all see the same way when looking at the same thing!

How I use art to improve communication

When I was preparing for my first solo art exhibition in 2013, my daughter asked me why I had titled this drawing, Hidden in Plain Sight. I said, “It’s hidden but you can plainly see it.”
And she replied, “What’s hidden?”

That was when I first discovered we don’t all see the same way. I have asked many people at my exhibitions, open studios and workshops to tell me the biggest thing they first see in this picture.

Most people give the same answer, but one in ten, like my daughter, see something else. And if two people see differently, they always explain for better understanding. This leads to conversations about how can we communicate  effectively, if we may not be talking about the same thing?

A fine lined drawing in which the subject can be seen as two trees or a person


I invite you to follow my work as I explore and develop the gestalt, as this illusion or double meaning effect is called. Please sign up to receive occasional email updates.

You can also be amongst the first to know about VIP events and have early access to buy my work when I release a new collection.

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